Miranda's debut Text Prize-shortlisted YA novel Sadie Starr's Guide to Starting Over is out now with Text Publishing. This manuscript was awarded a place in the ACT Writers Centre's professional development program, HARDCOPY, and an Australian Society of Authors Award Mentorship.
Her second book, also YA, will be published by Text Publishing in 2024. This novel was awarded a Katherine Suzanne Prichard Fellowship. Another work in progress has been awarded a Varuna Residency Fellowship and a Neilma Sidney Literary Travel Fund Grant.
Miranda also write short stories for adults and teens.
She won the Bedford International Short Story Competition and the Bloomsbury Publishing Short Story Competition, was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize, the Margaret River Short Story Prize, the Sean O'Faolain Prize at the Cork International Short Story Festival, and the New Millennium Writings fiction competition, longlisted for the Bath International Short Story Award, and placed second in the Daily Telegraph's Summer Short Story Competition.
Bloomsbury UK published one of her short stories for children in an e-book anthology of re-imagined fairy tales (think Snow White set at NASA). You can buy the anthology here. She also has a story (inspired by sea dragons) in Margaret River Press’ beautiful annual print anthology after being shortlisted for the Margaret River Short Story Prize. You can buy that anthology here.